ADHD parenting
The study discovered that women who took ADHD medication during early pregnancy were more likely to have a baby with certain types of birth defects than women who did not take ADHD medication during early pregnancy. This is one of the first studies to look at pregnant women's usage of ADHD drugs with the risk of birth defects. As vital as any other aspect of ADHD treatment is parenting. ADHD can be improved — or made worse — by how parents respond.
If your child has been diagnosed with ADHD, you should take the following steps:
Participate. Find out everything you can about ADHD. Follow the treatment plan recommended by your child's doctor. Attend all of the counseling sessions that have been recommended to you. If your child takes ADHD medication, give it to him or her at the appointed time. Do not adjust your dose without first consulting your doctor. Keep your child's medications in a secure location where they can't be accessed by others.
Understand how your child's ADHD impacts him or her. Every child is unique. Determine the issues that your child is experiencing as a result of his or her ADHD. Some children need to improve their listening and attention skills. Others must improve their ability to slow down. Inquire with your child's therapist for advice and suggestions on how to help your youngster practice and improve.
Concentrate on one item at a time when teaching your child. Don't try to complete all of your tasks at once. Begin small. Choose one issue to concentrate on. Applaud your child for his or her efforts.
Collaboration with your child's school is essential. Consult your child's teacher to see if an IEP or 504 plan is appropriate for your child. Meet with instructors frequently to learn about your child's progress. Collaborate with the teacher to ensure your child's success.
For support and awareness, connect with others. Join a support group for ADHD, such as CHADD, to stay up to speed on treatment and other information.
Find out if you have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). ADHD is very common in families. Parents (or other relatives) of children with ADHD may be unaware that they, too, suffer from the disorder. When ADHD parents are recognized and treated, it allows them to be the best parents they can be.
Warmth and purposeful discipline. Find out which disciplining methods are ideal for a child with ADHD and which can aggravate the condition. Consult your child's therapist for advice on how to respond to your child's behaviour. It's possible that children with ADHD are sensitive to criticism. Instead of penalizing them, the best method to correct their conduct is to encourage and support them.
Set specific goals for yourself. Before you leave the house, talk to your child about how you want them to act. Spend more time teaching your child what to do instead of responding to what they shouldn't do.
It's something to talk about. Don't be afraid to discuss ADHD with your child. Assist children in understanding that ADHD is not their fault and that they can learn to manage the issues it presents.
Every day, set aside time for each other. Even if it's only for a few minutes, make time to converse and enjoy peaceful, entertaining activities with your child. Give your undivided attention to your child. Positive activities should be praised. Don't over-praise your child, but do make a positive comment when he or she does something well. Say something like, "You're taking turns so well," when your youngster is waiting their time.
The most important relationship you have with your child is your relationship with him or her. Children with ADHD frequently believe they are letting others down, making mistakes, or not being "good." Be patient, sympathetic, and accepting of your child's low self-esteem. Allow your youngster to know that you believe in them and notice all of their positive qualities. Maintain a healthy and caring relationship with your child to build resilience.