What is the connection between ADHD and OCD?

These two conditions have a lot of similarities in terms of symptoms and issues they produce. And there is a link between the two illnesses.

Here are a few more points of comparison. Both disorders affect the same parts of the brain. According to brain scans, both ADHD and OCD cause abnormal activity in the frontostriatal region of the brain.

This circuit has a role in a variety of essential cognitive and behavioral abilities, including:

  • attention-shifting

  • flexibility

  • habits

  • behaviors with a purpose

When your frontostriatal circuit isn't functioning properly, you may find it more difficult to:

  • decide on something

  • things to remember

  • plan

  • from one task to the next

Academic and professional achievement might be hampered by both of these factors. The disruption that ADHD produces at school and at work is well-known

ADHD sufferers frequently struggle with the following issues:

  • Time management

  • maintaining stock levels

  • keep your concentration

  • carrying out difficult tasks

  • They may be late for class or work, and their lack of focus might lead to frequent errors.

People can also be late to school or work due to the time spent performing rituals, checking behaviors, and other compulsions. Obsessions, compulsions, and the anxiety that comes with them can make it difficult to focus and complete activities. Grades, attendance, and performance can all be affected by both conditions.

Both illnesses have the potential to impair your capacity to focus. The inability to focus attention for lengthy periods of time is one of ADHD's most prominent traits. You may not hear someone calling your name if you are preoccupied with something else.

You may appear inattentive due to OCD, but for a different reason. You could be preoccupied with an obsession or compulsion to the point where you are oblivious to what is going on around you.

Relationships with family, friends, and others are affected by both.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) both necessitate additional support from those around you. Family members may assist you in seeking treatment or following through with a treatment plan.

They might be able to assist you in developing coping mechanisms. They should go out of their way to make you feel loved and supported, even if they are upset, frustrated, or concerned about you.

Anger, anxiety, and despair can all be triggered by either.

ADHD and OCD symptoms can be exacerbated by stressTrusted Source. Living with the symptoms of these disorders, on the other hand, might raise your anxiety to dangerous levels.