ADHD and Dyslexia
Dyslexia and ADHD can coexist. Despite the fact that one disorder does not cause the other, those who have one frequently have the other. Nearly half of children diagnosed with ADHD also have a learning disability such as dyslexia, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
In fact, their symptoms can be very similar at times, making it difficult to determine what's causing the behavior you're observing. ADHD and dyslexia, according to the International Dyslexia Association, can both make persons "dysfluent readers." Parts of what they're reading are left out. When they try to read, they become exhausted, annoyed, and distracted. It's possible that they'll act out or refuse to read. Despite being highly intelligent and often very talkative, ADHD and dyslexia make it difficult for people to understand what they've read.
When they write, their handwriting may be sloppy, and they frequently have spelling issues. All of this may make it difficult for them to achieve their academic or career goals. As a result, anxiety, low self-esteem, and depression might occur.
While the symptoms of ADHD and dyslexia are similar, the two disorders are not the same. They're all diagnosed and treated differently, so it's crucial to know what they're all about.
Dyslexia and ADHD are two different types of brain problems. However, they frequently cross paths. About three out of every ten people with dyslexia also have ADHD. You're six times more likely than the average person to develop a mental illness or a learning disorder like dyslexia if you have ADHD.
However, having ADHD does not guarantee that you will get dyslexia. ADHD is not caused by dyslexia.
Symptoms and risk factors are often comparable across the two illnesses. It can be difficult to tell them apart because of this.
The Dyslexia-ADHD Connection
Dyslexia is a learning disability that makes it difficult to understand written and spoken language. ADHD impairs your impulse control and focus, as well as making you hyperactive.
They have several characteristics in common.
Heredity. Both of these diseases can run in families. About half of people with ADHD have a sibling or cousin who also has the disorder. About 30% of the time, this is also true for dyslexia.
Similarities and Differences in Symptoms
Symptoms of ADHD and dyslexia differ from person to person. However, the two illnesses might present themselves in similar ways.
Reading is a challenge. This could be a sign of either illness. However, it may appear differently for each person. People who have dyslexia have a harder time sounding out words on the page. They could also misinterpret the terms. Your reading speed may also be slowed if you have ADHD. However, you'll almost always read correctly. Instead, you're more prone to miss punctuation and finishes, as well as lose track of where you're on the page.
I'm having trouble writing. Dyslexia can make it difficult to correctly spell, proofread, organize, and employ grammar. If you have ADHD, organizing your thoughts and recognizing flaws in your writing may be the most difficult tasks. Both situations make it difficult to write neatly.
Forgetfulness. Adults with dyslexia are more likely to mispronounce people's names, forget where they are, or mix together related terms. However, ADHD might make you forgetful in ordinary situations. You might forget crucial appointments, miss your keys, or have hazy childhood memories.
There are challenges with attention. Reading might be exhausting if you have dyslexia since it requires so much effort. This makes it difficult for you to concentrate for long periods of time. ADHD is a type of attention deficit disorder. It's all too simple to become sidetracked or tune out. This is especially true if the activity at hand is monotonous or repetitive, or if you're reading or listening to someone speak.